The Ideal Time to Install a New Air Conditioner

With typical use and annual maintenance, your air conditioner should last you a good 15 to 20 years. But let’s say that those 15 to 20 years are now up with your system. You have found that it just doesn’t run efficiently anymore and that the expense you’re putting into repairs has grown to be too much.

Believe it or not, experts will tell you there’s a right time and a wrong time to go out hunting for a new AC. Here’s what you should know moving forward.

Buy in the Off-Season

AC companies charge higher rates for new ACs in summer, which makes sense because that’s the busiest season. You don’t want to wait until summer, though. If your AC was acting up the previous summer, or if it’s a heat pump you own and you just barely made it through winter with it, then start looking around for a replacement in spring, the off-season.

It also makes sense to buy in the off-season because the installation process will leave you without cool air for at least a day. It’s your choice whether you want it to be a cool spring day or a hot summer day.

Take Your Time With Selection

Homeowners who put off replacement until their AC breaks down in the middle of summer will wind up settling for something less than the best. Don’t make this mistake; rather, take your time comparing brands with the help of an HVAC professional.

As a Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer, we could present you with a number of high-quality products from Carrier, including heat pumps, packaged units, ductless mini-splits, and even geothermal heat pumps. We’ll also provide you with an accurate installation estimate.

A Team of NATE-Certified Technicians

Kayl Heating & Air, Inc., is ready to meet your unique needs here in the Tri-Cities. We handle not only AC installations but also heating services and duct cleaning. Our technicians have NATE certification and stay up to date on advances in heating and AC technology. Call us today for an appointment.